Friday 20 July 2007

Today was a good day!

Well, my parents, my flat mate, and I can breathe easy today. I got a job offer! I will not be moving onto the street anytime soon. I envisioned myself finding scraps of food to eat in trash bins whilst clanging around a tin can begging for change and fighting over prime spots near cash points. OK, so I made that last bit up, but the money situation was getting a little tense. Tomorrow I'm going to be calling to accept the offer, and I will officially enjoy my first salary paid position of my life - in London! Hooray.

Other notes worth mentioning. I got Kaiser Chief tickets for Decemeber. Sure, it's ages away, but I'm so excited. General admission, which means I'm getting right up there. It's been a while since I've had the opportunity to sing along to every song, while having other people jabbing their elbows and entire bodies into me. When the crowd sways one way, we all sway. It's like a giant blob that I used to really enjoy. I'm sure I'll hate it now, and forget why I ever enjoyed it. But damnit, it's the Kaiser Chiefs!!

I went for a drink with Drew at the Elgin. I haven't been since the smoking ban. It's amazing to be able to breath in their, I found it to be one of the smokiest bars in the city. And I don't smell like an ashtray, either. Brilliant if you ask me. I'm not sure why people were so worried about the ban, it's amazing. Second-hand smoke, even if you're a smoker, is never pleasant. You can't argue that with me. Unless you hate oxygen. Then, well, sorry you were born on this planet, it's too bad.

I'm exhausted. Today was an exhilarating day. And tomorrow is going to suck. 2,000 more words to write. But then I get to go out for Samira's birthday and celebrate with friends whom I haven't partied with in a while. Should be a good time.

Ciao for now.

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