Thursday, 26 April 2007

A few days late

So I sometimes buy a newspaper, and it takes me a few days to read the whole thing. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one out there who's a bit slow, but I figure I might as well make my money's worth out of the whole thing.

Favorties in the city of London include The Guardian and The Independent. And of course in the states I was an avid Boston Globe reader and when I had the opportunity, The New York Times (why does it have to be so expensive?).

Anyways, I think it's more because now I don't buy the student discount of The Guardian and the Independent (25p!!) at uni and have to splurge 70p! Awful.

So my point being I just finished in the G2 Charlie Brooker's column. I seriously laughed out loud (I refuse to use the term 'LOL'). In the article, he more or less discards all the horrific signage in London by the poor, graphic-design-lacking shop owners, from kebab shops to off-licenses, and how they're making him go blind.

My thoughts? I agree totally. It's like a clash fest as I walk towards the tube, Starbucks, or Borders (books are totally in my wheelhouse). The uPVC's are all over the place, in flashy colors, wacky fonts, and horrific spelling. Comic Sans must be a sin, and why people are using it to advertise their house of business is beyond me. And somehow the colors orange and yellow have been created that make me feel even more nauseous. My favorite quote is at the very end, "It is your fault, shopkeepers. It is your ugly font-abusing font." Yes, I may throw up because of you!!

Read his full article here,,2063359,00.html

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